They say admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery right? Well, my name is Jomaira and I am a workaholic...
The definition of a workaholic is...
“A person who compulsively works hard and long hours.”
The reason why I consider myself a workaholic is not because I work long hours at my place of employment but because when I get home I cannot sit down. I am constantly finding something to do and if i don’t; i feel a sense of guilt. I have no idea why!
When I get home from work everyday I am either doing laundry, cleaning the house, writing, working on the church newsletter or getting everything ready for the following day. I don’t get a day off... I don’t know how to rest. I’m either cleaning that which is already clean, organizing something that doesn’t need organizing or going somewhere!
Marcus is the complete opposite he can sit on the couch all day and do nothing. Then get mad at me because I’m not sitting down. Sometimes he will run me a bath and light candles and lock me in the bathroom away from everyone just so that I can relax. Now I won’t go into what the house looks like when I come out. Lol. That’s a different conversation for another time.
Actually as I am writing this I realized my mom does the same thing. She is always finding something to work on and I know one of my aunts that washes everyday even if it’s just the pajamas she wore the night before. Maybe it’s a woman thing. Maybe the workaholic is imbedded in our genes and we genetically do not know how to chill.
It does bother me that I actually have no time for myself. But in actuality I do not make time for myself. I would love to just sit at home and do nothing or not worry about making sure we have clean clothes. When I here the saying “ME TIME” I always think “HOW!” How can I take time out for myself when my family needs me? How can i take time for myself when things have to be done? I don’t have time for me time and it’s sad!
Ladies, I know I am not alone! I know I am not the only insane person that does not know how to relax. So let’s challenge ourselves this week and take out 20-30 minutes for ourselves. Not everyday but once this week take a BREAK and let me know what you did! We deserve at least that much. So cheers to taking a break!! We work to hard and I know there are some days we are exhausted...
I know I am!
Ladies do you accept my challenge?
On July 7th I took a break. I logged off of my work laptop and I said “Honey, I will be back!” I left the girls with Marcus and I got my nails done!