About a month ago I was looking to do a detox and I remembered a tea that instagram kept advertising on my feed. Now, I’m not a tea drinker but after some research I felt like this tea was going to do what I needed it to do. So I ordered the tea from Amazon. You have the option to order a 2 week supply for $36 or a 4 week supply for $49. Again, I’m not a tea drinker so I ordered the 2 week supply just in case I didn’t like it. I also had to buy an infuser because the tea does not come in little bags. So if our persuaded to purchase this tea please get an infuser as well.
The tea came in a pretty pink box and in the the box were two pouches. An activate pouch and a cleanse pouch. The activate pouch you drink in the morning with or before breakfast and the cleanse pouch you drink every other night before bed. Easy enough.
So I started drinking the tea on a Sunday. To my surprise the tea was pretty tasty. You can definitely taste the peppermint in it which made it easy to drink. By Tuesday I could already tell the difference. I had so much energy, I didn’t look 4 months pregnant and my headaches were subsiding. At the end of the 2 weeks I had lost 8 pounds which was a plus. Most of my weight was water weight but 8 pounds without trying was amazing.
The main thing that I liked about this tea, other than it was easy to stick with, was that it didn’t make me go to the bathroom like the other detox teas would. It makes you go more frequently without the urge that you had to go right away. Also oppose to the review I read once I ended the tea the bloating did not return. I was actually able to keep it off and lose a couple of more pounds. I did notice though that my energy level was back down though.
This is not an ad or sponsored by Flat Tummy Tea. However, if you are looking for a great detox that makes you feel great and helps you jump start your weight lose I would recommend it. I am actually going to do it again soon so I will let you ladies know if it continues to work and if your going to try it or have tried it let me know what you think.
Hope this helps!
Love Jo